Asko Nummela is a well known name in Finland for his contact with a UFO in 1997. He was heavily burnt and his life path changed forever. Today he helps other people to heal. More information can be found from this link.
Convener: Jim Garrison
Matka Tietoiseksi takaisinpaluun ohjelmasta hieman esittelyä työpajasta ja tule tutustumaan tapahtumiin tai luennoille. Tapahtumat valikon alta.
Kalevi Riikonen was kidnapped days, Asko Nummela got his face radiation damage and Terhi jansson from the robbed eggs. Whether it seen the UFO witch or delusions?
The Touch of UFOs** – Documentary, YLE TV 1, September 20, 2024
In the Friday documentary “Touched by UFOs,” three Finns—Kalevi Riikonen, Terhi Jansson, and Asko Nummela—share their UFO contact experiences. Can Terhi Jansson recover her erased memories of the abduction through hypnosis?
I recount my radiation injury that occurred on January 10, 1997, while I was walking home on a driveway on a cold January evening when I heard a warning voice in my head: 'Don't go that way.' Despite the warning, I continued on my path and felt a strange warmth on my face. The next day, my skin looked like 'crocodile skin.' My face was red and flaky.
– The local fire chief compared my injuries to images from the Chernobyl disaster and said that I had clearly been exposed to radiation.
Watch the documentary in Finnish: YLE Areena
"Amazing song, be sure to listen. It's just perfect for this time. Thank you, Anna <3"
"Season 1, Episode 10: When we experience pain from time to time, what can we do about it and what causes it? I am organizing a Journey to the Stars workshop where you will discover the causes related to pain, among other things. There will be plenty of other offerings in the workshop as well. The video is available on YouTube and Vimeo channels in Finnish."